The objectives of any singing method are to develop artists with an amazing vocal technique, unique interpretive ability by which they can sustain a long career. Your technique should be more than sufficient to realize your dreams regardless of your style preference, be it classical, pop, gospel, R&B, soul, blues, jazz or country.
Singers with a solid technique have a uniform sound from high to low and the ability to sing at any dynamic level on any pitch. Good technique also involves clear diction of vowels, consonants and a variety of colours in order to express a wide range of emotions while singing.
Your technique should allow you to sing easily for an hour or two per day without too much fatigue. The measure of fatigue is the level to which your singing affects your speaking voice (hoarseness, raspiness, raising your speaking voice in pitch or lowering it) during the current day and/or the following day.
For more information or to book a private lesson, please go to the contact page.